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Add-JS7Order [-WorkflowPath] <String> [[-OrderName] <String>] [[-Variables] <Hashtable>] [[-At] <String>] [[-AtDate] <DateTime>] [[-Timezone] <String>] [[-StartPosition] <Int32><Object[]>] [[-EndPositions] <Int32<Object[][]>] [[-ControllerId] <String>] [[-BatchSize] <Int32>] [[-RunningNumber] <Int32>] [[-AuditComment] <String>] [[-AuditTimeSpent] <Int32>] [[-AuditTicketLink] <Uri>] [<CommonParameters>]



-StartPosition <Int32><Object[]>
Specifies that the order should enter position in the workflow at the workflow node that
is assigned the specified positionthat the order will be started for.

The first level instructions in a workflow are allowed start positions.
The position is specified by the numeric index of the instruction in the workflow:

* 0: first instruction
* 1: second instruction
* ...

The Get-JS7OrderAddPosition cmdlet returns available positions for adding orders.

Default value0
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-EndPositions <Int32<Object[][]>
Specifies that the order should leave the workflow at before the workflow nodes that
are assigned the specified positions.

* 1: second instruction
* 2: third instruction
* ...

The Get-JS7OrderAddPosition cmdlet returns available positions for adding orders.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


PS > $orderId = Add-JS7Order -OrderName Test -WorkflowPath /sos/reporting/Reporting -At "2038-01-01 00:00:00" -Timezone "Europe/Berlin"

Adds the indicated order andorder for a later date that is specified for the "Europe/Berlin" time zone.


Adds an order to the indicated workflow. The order will start one hour later and will use the variables as specified by the -Variables parameter.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------

PS > $orderId = Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork -StartPosition 1

Adds an order to the second position (index: 1) of the indicated workflow.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------

PS > $positions = Get-JS7OrderAddPosition -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork
$orderId = Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork -StartPosition $positions[2].position

Adds an order to the third position (index: 2) of the indicated workflow.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------

PS > $orderId = Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork -EndPositions 1,2

Adds an order for two possible end positions with the second (index: 1) and third (index: 2) position of the indicated workflow.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 9 --------------------------

PS > $positions = Get-JS7OrderAddPosition -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork
$orderId = $orderId = Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /ProductDemo/ParallelExecution/pdwFork -EndPositions @( $positions[2].position, $positions[3].position )

Adds an order for two possible end positions with the third (index: 2) and fourth (index: 3) position of the indicated workflow.