Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Patches are offered from .jar Java archive files or from .tar.gz tarball archive files.
  • The same patch files are applied to Unix and Windows.
  • Patch file names follow the scheme:
    • Unix, Windows: js7_controller.<release>-PATCH.<issue-key>.[jar|tar.gz]
    • The following placeholders are used:
      • release: The JS7 release number, see Releases.
      • issue-key: The issue key in the SOS Change Management System, for example: JS-1984.
    • Example:
      • Unix, Windows: js7_controller.2.2.3-PATCH.JS-1984.jar, js7_controller.2.2.3-PATCH.JS-1984.tar.gz
  • Patch .tar.gz archive files
    • include one or more .jar files that hold patches.
    • include a directory hierarchy for .jar files:
      • controller/lib/patches


The Controller expects Java .jar files holding patches in the following locations:

  • Unix
    • /opt/
  • Windows
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\controller\lib\patches

The paths noted above are specified during installation and can point to a different location. The lib/patches part is the same for any installation of a Controller.


Download Patches

Find the following examples for a patch:

The patch examples will not impact a Controller installation and are used for instructional purposes only. For details see JS-1984.


Before applying patches users might want to verify the integrity and authenticity of downloaded files, see JS7 - Verifying releases.


Patches for Controller On Premises

The Controller expects Java .jar files holding patches in the following locations:

  • Unix
    • /opt/
  • Windows
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\controller\lib\patches

The paths noted above are specified during installation and can point to a different location. The lib/patches part is the same for any installation of a Controller.

Applying Patches

Apply the following steps to a Controller instance. If a Controller cluster is operated then the steps have to be performed for all Controller instances.

The patch examples will not impact a Controller installation and are used for instructional purposes only. For details see JS-1984.


Applying Patch on Unix

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .jar file to a Controller for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /opt/

# download the patch file
curl -O
Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to a Controller for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /opt/

# download the patch archive
curl -O

# extract the patch archive that includes .jar files
tar -xvzf js7_controller.2.2.3-PATCH.JS-1984.tar.gz

# remove the patch archive
rm js7_controller.2.2.3-PATCH.JS-1984.tar.gz


Applying Patch on Windows

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .jar file to a Controller for Windows
@rem navigate to the target directory for patches
cd %ProgramFiles%\\js7\controller\<controller-id>\lib\patches

@rem download from URL
@rem copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\js7_controller.2.2.3-PATCH.JS-1984.jar .


Hint: For automated rollout of patches see JS7 - Automated Installation and Update.


Removing Patches

Patches are automatically removed when a Controller instance is updated or upgraded using the JS7 - Controller - Installation Using the Windows Graphical Installer or the installation scripts as indicated with JS7 - Automated Installation and Update.


Note: The Controller instance has to be stopped before patches are removed.



Patches for Controller Container

The Controller container expects Java .jar files for patches in the following location:

  • /var/
  • The /var/ directory is typically mounted to a var volume when running the container: for details see the JS7 - Controller Installation for Containers article.
  • If the sub-directory config/patches does not exist then it should be created before storing the patch file.
  • If a patch is provided from a .tar.gz archive file then users should extract the archive and store the .jar files included to the config/patches sub-directory.


Applying Patches

On start-up the Controller container checks the directory noted above for the existence of .jar files and applies the patches - for details see the Patch Patches for Controller On Premises section above.


Note: The Controller container has to be restarted to apply patches.


Removing Patches

Patches are removed by dropping the files in the config/patches sub-directory.
