Versions Compared


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  • Bugs, vulnerabilities and availability of patches are communicated with the SOS SOS Change Management System.
  • This The article provides information about how to apply patches to the JOC Cockpit.
    Display feature availability
  • The article applies how to manually apply patches. For automated patching see see JS7 - Automated Installation and Update.

The following information applies to patches of the JS7 - REST Web Service API (API Server). For patches of the JOC Cockpit GUI see JS7 - Patches for JOC Cockpit GUI.

  • Patches are offered from .tar.gz archives or from .jar files.
  • The same patch files are applied for Unix and Windows.
  • Patch file names follow the schemascheme:
    • Unix, Windows: js7_joc.<release>-PATCH.API-<sequence>.<issue-key>[.<security-level>].[tar.gzThe same patch files are applied for Unix and Windows.|jar}
    • The following placeholders are used:
      • release: The JS7 release number, see Releases.
      • sequence:  Patches for a given release are assigned ascending numbers starting from 1. Patches with a higher number include any patches with lower numbers.
      • issue-key: The issue key in the SOS Change Management System, for example:
      • 1984.
      • security-level: The security level applies if the patch is specific for JOC Cockpit running in one of the security levels low, medium, high. For details see JS7 - Security Architecture.
    • Example:
      • Unix, Windows: js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz, js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.joc
  • Patch .tar.gz archive files do not include a directory hierarchy.

Patches for JOC Cockpit On Premises


ProductTypeMediaExample Download URLHashSigTSR
JS7 JOC Cockpittarball archive.tar.gz



The example patch does not impact a JOC Cockpit installation and is used for instructional purposes only - for details see JS-1984.

Apply Patch on Unix

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /var/

# verify the directory by checking if this file is available
ls api-schema-version.json

# download the patch archive
curl -O

# extract the patch archive that includes .jar files
tar -xvzf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz

# extract the jar file (use "jar" or "unzip" command)
jar -xf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar

# remove the jar file and patch archive
rm js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar
rm js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz
Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .jar file to JOC Cockpit for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /var/

# verify the directory by checking if this file is available
ls api-schema-version.json

# download the patch file
curl -O

# extract the jar file (use "jar" or "unzip" command)
jar -xf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar

# remove the jar file
rm js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar

Apply Patch on Windows

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Windows
@rem navigate to the target directory for patches
cd %ProgramData%\\js7\joc\webapps\joc\WEB-INF\classes

@rem verify the directory by checking if this file is available
dir api-schema-version.json

@rem download from URL
@rem copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz .

@rem extract the patch archive that includes .jar files
tar.exe -xf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz

@rem extract the .jar filefiles (use "jar" or "unzip" command)
jar -xf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar

@rem remove the .jar file and patch archive
del js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar
del js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.tar.gz
Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .jar file to JOC Cockpit for Windows
@rem navigate to the target directory for patches
cd %ProgramData%\\js7\joc\webapps\joc\WEB-INF\classes

@rem verify the directory by checking if this file is available
dir api-schema-version.json

@rem download from URL
@rem copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar .

@rem extract the .jar file (use "jar" or "unzip" command)
jar -xf js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar

@rem remove the .jar file
del js7_joc.2.2.3-PATCH.API-1.JS-1984.jar


The examples use This example uses the jar command that is available from a Java JDK. Should a Java JDK not be in place then the unzip command can be used.

The resulting directory hierarchy with starting from the com sub-directory being created from the extracted patch should look like this:
