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Code Block
titleAgent Installer Script:
Usage: [Options] [Switches]

  Installation Options:
    --home=<directory>                 | required: directory to which the Agent will be installed
    --data=<directory>                 | optional: directory for Agent data files, default: <home>/var_4445
    --config=<directory>               | optional: directory from which the Agent reads configuration files, default: <data>/config
    --logs=<directory>                 | optional: directory to which the Agent writes log files, default: <data>/logs
    --work=<directory>                 | optional: working directory of the Agent, default: <data>
    --user=<account>                   | optional: user account for Agent daemon, default: $USER
    --home-owner=<account[:group]>     | optional: account and optionally group owning the home directory, requires root or sudo permissions
    --data-owner=<account[:group]>     | optional: account and optionally group owning the data directory, requires root or sudo permissions
    --release=<release-number>         | optional: release number such as 2.5.0 for download if --tarball is not used
    --tarball=<tar-gz-archive>         | optional: the path to a .tar.gz archive that holds the Agent installation or patch tarball,
                                       |           if not specified the Agent tarball will be downloaded from the SOS web site
    --patch=<issue-key>                | optional: identifies a patch for an existing Agent installation
    --jar=<jar-file>                   | optional: the path to a .jar file that holds the patch
    --license-key=<key-file>           | optional: specifies the path to a license key file to be installed
    --license-bin=<binary-file>        | optional: specifies the path to the js7-license.jar binary file for licensed code to be installed
                                       |           if not specified the file will be downloaded from the SOS web site
    --http-port=<port>                 | optional: specifies the http port the Agent will be operated for, default: 4445
                                                   port can be prefixed by network interface, e.g. localhost:4445
    --https-port=<port>                | optional: specifies the https port the Agent will be operated for
                                                   port can be prefixed by network interface, e.g.
    --pid-file-dir=<directory>         | optional: directory to which the Agent writes its PID file, default: <data>/logs
    --pid-file-name=<file-name>        | optional: file name used by the Agent to write its PID file, default:
    --instance-script=<file>           | optional: path to the Instance Start Script that will be copied to the Agent, default <home>/bin/<instance-script>
    --backup-dir=<directory>           | optional: backup directory for existing Agent home directory
    --log-dir=<directory>              | optional: log directory for log output of this script
    --exec-start=<command>             | optional: command to start the Agent, e.g. 'StartService'
    --exec-stop=<command>              | optional: command to stop the Agent, e.g. 'StopService'
    --return-values=<file>             | optional: path to a file that holds return values such as the path to a log file

  Configuration Options:
    --deploy-dir=<dir>[,<dir>]         | optional: deployment directory from which configuration files are copied to the Agent
    --agent-conf=<file>                | optional: path to a configuration file that will be copied to <config>/agent.conf
    --private-conf=<file>              | optional: path to a configuration file that will be copied to <config>/private/private.conf
    --controller-id=<identifier>       | optional: Controller ID, default: controller
    --controller-primary-cert=<file>   | optional: path to Primary/Standalone Controller certificate file
    --controller-secondary-cert=<file> | optional: path to Secondary Controller certificate file
    --agent-cluster-id=<identifier>    | optional: Agent Cluster ID, default: agent
    --director-primary-cert=<file>     | optional: path to Primary/Standalone Director Agent certificate file
    --director-secondary-cert=<file>   | optional: path to Secondary Director Agent certificate file
    --keystore=<file>                  | optional: path to a PKCS12 keystore file that will be copied to <config>/private/
    --keystore-password=<password>     | optional: password for access to keystore
    --keystore-alias=<alias>           | optional: alias name for keystore entry
    --client-keystore=<file>           | optional: path to a PKCS12 client keystore file that will be copied to <config>/private/
    --client-keystore-password=<pass>  | optional: password for access to the client keystore
    --client-keystore-alias=<alias>    | optional: alias name for client keystore entry
    --truststore=<file>                | optional: path to a PKCS12 truststore file that will be copied to <config>/private/
    --truststore-password=<password>   | optional: password for access to truststore
    --java-home=<directory>            | optional: Java Home directory for use with the Instance Start Script
    --java-options=<options>           | optional: Java Options for use with the Instance Start Script
    --service-dir=<directory>          | optional: systemd service directory, default: /usr/lib/systemd/system
    --service-file=<file>              | optional: path to a systemd service file that will be copied to <home>/bin/
    --service-name=<identifier>        | optional: name of the systemd service to be created, default js7_agent_<http-port>

    -h | --help                        | displays usage
    --force-sudo                       | forces use of sudo for operations on directories
    --active                           | makes Director Agent instance the default active node in an Agent Cluster
    --standby                          | makes Director Agent instance the default standby node in an Agent Cluster 
    --no-yade                          | excludes YADE from Agent installation
    --no-install                       | skips Agent installation, performs configuration updates only
    --use-install                      | uses existing Agent installation, populates data directory and creates service
    --uninstall                        | uninstalls Agent and removes <home> and <data> directories
    --uninstall_home                   | uninstalls Agent and removes <home> directory only
    --uninstall_data                   | uninstalls Agent and removes <data> directory only
    --show-logs                        | shows log output of the script
    --make-dirs                        | creates the specified directories if they do not exist
    --make-service                     | creates the systemd service for the Agent
    --move-libs                        | moves an existing Agent's lib directory instead of removing the directory
    --remove-journal                   | removes an existing Agent's state directory that holds the journal files
    --restart                          | stops a running Agent and starts the Agent after installation
    --abort                            | aborts a running Agent if used with the --restart switch
    --kill                             | kills a running Agent if used with the --restart switch 


Code Block
titleExample for use of Agent Installation Script
curl '' \
    -o /tmp/js7_agent_unix.2.6.0.tar.gz
curl '' \
    -o /tmp/js7-license.jar

./ \
    --tarball=/tmp/js7_agent_unix.2.6.0.tar.gz \ 
    --home=/opt/ \
    --data=/var/ \
    --controller-id=controller \
    --agent-cluster-id=agent \
    --http-port=localhost:4445 \ \
    --license-key=/home/sos/agent-deployment/example.pem \
    --license-bin=/tmp/js7-license.jar \
    --private-conf=/home/sos/agent-deployment/private.conf-template-agent \
    --controller-primary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-primary.crt \
    --controller-secondary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt \ 
    --director-primary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-primary.crt \
    --director-secondary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt \
    --keystore=/home/sos/agent-deployment/https-keystore.p12 \
    --keystore-password="jobscheduler" \
    --truststore=/home/sos/agent-deployment/https-truststore.p12 \
    --truststore-password="jobscheduler" \

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using curl
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations
# extracts the release tarball to the Agent's home directory
# specifies the Controller ID of the Controller to which the Agent is dedicated
# specifies the Agent Cluster ID
# specifies HTTP port 4445 on the localhost network interface and the same HTTPS port on the server network interface
# specifies the paths to the Primary and Secondary Controller's server certificates if a Controller Cluster is used
#     for a Standalone Controller the --controller-secondary-cert option is omitted
# deploys the Agent private configuration file which holds references to keystore and truststore
# deploys keystore and truststore files
# stops and starts the Agent's systemd service


Code Block
titleExample for use of Agent Installation Script
curl '' \
    -o /tmp/js7_agent_unix.2.6.0.tar.gz
curl '' \
    -o /tmp/js7-license.jar

./ \
    --tarball=/tmp/js7_agent_unix.2.6.0.tar.gz \ 
    --home=/opt/ \
    --data=/var/ \
    --controller-id=controller \
    --agent-cluster-id=agent \
    --http-port=localhost:4445 \ \
    --license-key=/home/sos/agent-deployment/example.pem \
    --license-bin=/tmp/js7-license.jar \
    --private-conf=/home/sos/agent-deployment/private.conf-template-agent \
    --controller-primary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-primary.crt \
    --controller-secondary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt \ 
    --director-primary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-primary.crt \
    --director-secondary-cert=/home/sos/agent-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt \
    --keystore=/home/sos/agent-deployment/https-keystore.p12 \
    --keystore-password="jobscheduler" \
    --truststore=/home/sos/agent-deployment/https-truststore.p12 \
    --truststore-password="jobscheduler" \
    --standby \

# parameterization is the same as from the previous example for a Primary Director Agent
# the one exception being use of the --standby switch


  • <config>/private/private.conf
    • Replacements are performed for the following placeholders by respective option values:

      PlaceholderOption Value



    • Find a template for a private.conf file using placeholders for HTTPS mutual authentication:

      Code Block
      titleprivate.conf template file with placeholders
      js7 {
          auth {
              users {
                  # Controller ID for connections by primary/secondary Controller instance
                  {{controller-id}} {
                  # Agent Cluster ID for connections by primary/secondary Director Agent instancesinstance
                  {{agent-cluster-id}} {
                      distinguishedpermissions = [ AgentDirector ]
          configuration {
              # Locations of certificates and public keys used for signature verification
              trusted-signature-keys {
                  # PGP=${js7.config-directory}"/private/trusted-pgp-keys"
          job {
              # Enable script execution from signed workflows^M
              execution {
          web {
              # Locations of keystore and truststore files for HTTPS connections
              https {
                  keystore {
                      # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private/https-keystore.p12"
                      # alias="{{keystore-alias}}"
                  client-keystore {
                      # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private/https-client-keystore.p12"
                      # alias="{{client-keystore-alias}}"
                          # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private//https-truststore.p12"
