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File transfer source and target are specified using Fragments elementsusing elements in the configuration Fragments branch.

ProtocolFragments are children of the Fragments element and in turn can have any number of child elements. Example protocol fragment elements would be the FTPFragment and the SFTPFragment.

Protocol fragment elements have descendants that specify the parameters such as the authentication method, the connection type and proxy.

The first diagram shows the structure of the upper levels of the Fragments branch as represented in the  XSD Schema.

title3-level from fragments

ProtocolFragments Protocol fragment elements are protocol specific - that is, there is a ProtocolFragments element defined in the XSD schema for each file transfer protocol. This enables the properties of each protocol to be reflected in the schema and allows dependencies and incompatibilities to be defined. A trivial example here would be that a PassiveMode element can be specified for an FTPFragment but not for an SFTPFragment.

The next diagram shows the structure of an example protocol fragment element - the FTPFragment.

title3-level from fragments

Any number of ProtocolFragments can be specified within a file transfer configuration and any number of fragments can be defined for a particular protocol. A particular fragment is identified by a name attribute and this attribute is referenced by a corresponding fragment reference element in the configuration Profiles branch

Operation-dependent source and target elements specify the ProtocolFragments element that is to be used. For example:
