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Display xsd reference jade


The XML file transfer configuration that is introduced with version 1.11 of the JADE configuration is divided into three main areas:

Fragments configuration

Client uses an XSD schema to define relationships between parameters and which parameters can be used together.

The top two levels of the schema are shown in the diagram at the top of this page:

The Configurations element is the top level element in the transfer configuration and has three child elements, representing three main branches of the configuration:

  • Fragments branch:The Fragments refer to that part of the configuration that describes
    • Parameters set in theFragments configuration branch specify
    • how the transfer is to be carried out
    – i.e. per FTP proxy
    • .
    • An example transfer fragment could specify that FTP protocol should be used, via a SOCKS5 proxy on a particular port with password authentication.
    • At least a minimum set of Fragments parameters
    has to be provided.

Profiles configuration

    • is required.
    • More than one transfer method can be specified in the Fragments branch.
      The transfer method that will be used is specified as a reference in the Profiles configuration branch.
  • Profiles branch:The Profiles part of the configuration describes
    • Profiles are the central defining file transfer elements - it is a profile that is called when a file transfer is to be carried out.
    • The Profiles element specifies
    • what is to be done – i.e. the operations involved
    , such as copy from source A to target B
    • .
    • An example transfer Profile, could specify that files are to be moved from a source to a target and renamed.
    • At least a minimum set of
    Profiles parameters has to be provided
    • Profile parameters is required.
    • The prof
  • General


  • branch: configuration
    • Configuration options mainly refer to
    globally used
    • background transfer features, such as use of the JADE Background Service or Credential Store and logging.
    • The specification of General configuration parameters is not mandatory.


In addition JADE configuration items that can be used in multiple areas are available in the following section of the documentation:

Reusable Elements

there are:

  • Reusable elements
    • (Not shown on the diagram above.) Reusable Elements can be included at different points in the configuration as allowed in the schema - eventually more than once.
    • Example Reusable Elements are:
      • the BasicConnectionType element, which requires a Hostname and optionally a Port and can be used, for example, in FTP- and FTPSFragments but not HTTPFragments.
      • the ProxyForFTPS element, which requires that either a SOCKS4Proxy or a SOCKS5proxy is specified and can only be used in FTPSFragments.
        Note that both the SOCKS4Proxy and SOCKS5proxy elements are themselves Reusable elements.
  • The elements for connection, authentication, file selection etc. that are used in multiple configuration areas.
  • See JADE Parameter Reference - Reusable Elements