
The XML Editor can only be run on Windows systems and requires that the .net framework version 3.5 SP1 or newer has already been installed on the computer. In addition, the YADE Xml2Ini Converter plugin for use with releases of YADE up to and including 1.10 requires Java version 1.8 or newer.

The XML Editor does not come with an installer - the .zip can be unpacked into any folder on a file system.

The XML Editor is opened by starting the sos.xml.editor.exe binary.


  • The XML Editor ships with the sos.xml.editor.exe.config configuration file.
    • The file name consists of the XML Editor binary file name and the extension .config
    • The configuration file has to be located in the same directory as the XML Editor binary file.
  • The following settings can be configured:

    allowRemoveRootTrueallows removal of a root node of the xml document
    allowRenameFileTrueallows renaming of an xml file on the hard disk
    autocompleteRootTrueautomatically adds the required child nodes to the root node
    hasOpenFileDialogTrueshows the open file dialog
    openLastOpenedFilesTrueopens the last opened files on program start 
    readOnlyFalseopens XML files in read-only mode