
The js7-inventory-schemas repository holds the RAML source for the JS7 JSON schemas used for the JS7 inventory objects.


js7-inventory-schemas is a standard maven project and can be built with maven. At the time of writing SOS uses maven version 3.3.9.

Clone Repository

Navigate to your desired destination folder and clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone


Checkout Tagged Version

Retrieve list of available tagged versions
git fetch --all --tags
Checkout a desired version to a local branch
git checkout tags/[desired version] -b [desired local branch name]
git checkout tags/v2.0.0 -b release/v2.0.0

Checkout Latest Tagged Version

Determine the latest tagged version and store it as a local variable.

Retrieve Latest Tagged Version
tag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)

Checkout the latest version to a "latest" local branch using the variable you have previously stored.

Checkout Latest
git checkout $tag -b latest


From the root of the project that you checked out call:

mvn clean install
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