
The JS7 - Tagging offers to manage tags for jobs. A job can be assigned any number of tags.

  • Job tags can be used to carry information available for JS7 - Notifications:
  • Job tags can be considered custom fields that carry information such as the ticket priority in case a job fails.

The feature is made available from


Managing Job Tags

Adding Tags to Jobs

Job tags are managed from the inventory with the Configuration view. The right panel includes the list of tags assigned the selected job.

  • Clicking the New Tag button allows adding a new tag.
  • When using the syntax <tag-group>:<tag>, for example TicketPriority:low then the job is assigned the tag low which is a member of the tag group TicketPriority.
    • If the TicketPriority tag group does not exist, then it will be created.
    • Consider that case-sensitive spelling applies to tags and tag groups.

Updating Tags of Jobs

Job tags can be updated by removing an existing tag and adding a new tag.

Removing Tags from Jobs

Tags can be removed by clicking the "x" in the tag button.

Using Tags in Notifications

Tags can be used in JS7 - Notifications from the MON_OS_JOB_TAGS variable. 

The variable holds assigned tags and tag groups using the following syntax:


  • If more than one tag is specified,, then they will be separated by a semicolon (;).
  • If a tag group and tag should be assigned, then they are separated by a colon (:).


  • MON_OS_JOB_TAGS=TicketPriority:low
  • MON_OS_JOB_TAGS=ProductDemo
  • MON_OS_JOB_TAGS=TicketPriority:low;ProductDemo

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