
Shell Jobs report the following error:

2021-11-25 18:48:33.147+01:00 [MAIN]    [End] [Error], errorState=failed, reason=failed, 
Cannot run program "/var/" 
(in directory "/var/"): error=8, Exec format error, 
caused by: error=8, Exec format error


  • The Unix OS does not know about the fact that the job script is in fact a script. Instead the job script is considered an executable file in ELF format. As the job script is not in ELF format the "Exec format error" is raised.
  • This situation can occur if the Unix OS is not configured to consider a default shell for shell scripts.
    • This problem has been reported e.g. for use with Alpine container images starting from 3.15 using Java 17.
  • Job scripts should specify the shell to be used by indicating a shebang in the first line of the script.


The solution includes adding a shebang to the first line of Shell jobs like this:


echo "hello world"

The shebang specifies the interpreter that the job script is executed with, for example:

Bourne Shell#!/bin/bashdirect reference to location of the bash executable

#!/usr/bin/env bashan alternative way to specify bash to be found from the PATH variable
General Shell#!/bin/shfrequently /bin/sh is set up as a symlink to the effective shell executable
PowerShell#!/user/bin/env pwshassumes the pwsh executable to be available from the PATH variable