JS7 offers JS7 - Inventory Git Integration for JS7 - Rollout of Scheduling Objects.
- Git access includes authentication with a Git Server and accessing remote repositories.
- The setup of a local repository is explained with the JS7 - How to set up a local Git Repository article.
The steps for setting up access to a Git Server can be applied manually and can also be applied by using the JS7 REST Web Service API.
Manual Setup
Git Configuration File
JOC Cockpit uses a Git client which reads configuration items from the following file (assuming a user account me
is in place)
- for Unix environments:
- for Windows environments:
The Git config
file may look like this:
Host Hostname IdentityFile C:\Users\me\.ssh\github_rsa IdentitiesOnly yes
- The settings map the use of a private key file to authentication with a Git Server.
Git Configuration Items
A typical configuration step performed with a Git client looks like this:
# Specify user name git config --global "My Account" # Specify e-mail address git config --global "" # Use simple merge strategy git config --global push.default simple
Automation with the JS7 REST Web Service API
Users who wish to automate the steps for setting up Git access can use the following resources:
- The JS7 - REST Web Service API allows the same operations to be performed for Git integration as are provided in the JOC Cockpit GUI.
- JS7 - Unix Shell Command Line Interface
- JS7 - PowerShell Module
Automation using the Unix Shell CLI
The JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Git Deployment offers simplified access to the REST Web Service API for scripting purposes.
# common options for connection to JS7 REST API request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller) # get credentials ./ get-credentials "${request_options[@]}" # store credentials ./ store-credentials "${request_options[@]}" --user-account=myAccount \ --user-name="My Account" --user-mail="" \ --user-private-key=/var/ # delete credentials ./ delete-credentials "${request_options[@]}"
Automation using the JS7 PowerShell Module
The JS7 - PowerShell Module offers simplified access to the REST Web Service API for scripting purposes.
Execution of the PowerShell examples with the -debug
option might prove to be instructive for logging REST API calls.
The documentation for related cmdlets can be found in PowerShell CLI 2.0 - Cmdlets - Git Repository Integration.
# Parameterization $gitServer = '' $gitAccount = 'myAccount' $gitUserName = 'My Account' $gitUserMail = '' $gitKeyFile = 'myKey.rsa' # Connection Import-Module JS7 Connect-JS7 -Url http://root:root@localhost:4446 -Id 'Controller' | Out-Null # Use of private key file Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -KeyFile $gitKeyFile -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail # Use of access token (similarly insecure as use of passwords) # Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -AccessToken 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8' -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail # Use of password (denied by a larger number of Git Servers) # Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString 'secret' -AsPlainText -Force) -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail # Remove Git credentials Remove-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer # Connection Disconnect-JS7
- Line 2-6: Variables which are used by the subsequent examples.
- Line 9-10: The JS7 PowerShell Module is loaded and the connection to the JOC Cockpit established - see JS7 - How to connect to JOC Cockpit using the PowerShell Module.
- Line 13: The Add-JS7GitCredentials cmdlet allows Git credentials to be stored with the user account's profile. A private key file is specified. This file has to exist and is expected in the locations indicated with JS7 - Inventory Git Integration, chapter: Manage Credentials for Git Access.
- Line 16, 19: Alternative authentication methods for Git access.
- Line 22: The Remove-JS7GitCredentials cmdlet deletes Git credentials from the user account's profile.
- Line 25: The connection to JOC Cockpit is closed.