
The article is focused on configuration items used for HTTPS Basic Authentication with passwords. For a complete overview of settings see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items and JS7 - Agent Configuration Items,

  • HTTP Basic Authentication with passwords allow to identify client and server in HTTP connections. However, HTTP connections are not secure and forwarding passwords without transport encryption means the passwords are visible in the network. It is therefore recommended that users switch to HTTPS Server Authentication which implements transport encryption.
  • Note the communication scheme between JS7 products as described in the JS7 - System Architecture article:
    • User browsers acting as HTTP clients establish connections to JOC Cockpit as an HTTP server.
    • JOC Cockpit acting as an HTTP client establishes connections to Controller instances acting as HTTP servers.
    • Controller instances acting as HTTP clients establish connections to Agents acting as HTTP servers.

Location of Configuration Files

In the following the JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR placeholder specifies the configuration directory of the Controller. The JS7_AGENT_HOME, JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR placeholders specify the directories where the Agent is installed and configured.

Controller Configuration

Configuration File: JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/controller.conf

Find an example for Controller configuration for download: controller.conf

Controller configuration file: controller.conf
# Allow http connections
js7.web.server.auth.public = true


  • The configuration file is located with the JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR folder.
  • This configuration item is required to enable HTTP connections to a Controller.

Configuration File: JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/private/private.conf

Find an example for Controller configuration for download: private.conf

Controller configuration file: private.conf
js7 {
    auth {
        users {
            # History account of JOC Cockpit (used to release events)
            History {

            # JOC account of JOC Cockpit (requires UpdateItem permission for deployment)
            JOC {

    configuration {
        # truststore location for signatures
        trusted-signature-keys {

    journal {
        # allow History account to release events


  • The configuration file is located in the JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/private folder.
  • Note that the above configuration has to be deployed to both Controller instances if a Controller Cluster is used.
  • The configuration items relevant to Server Authentication with passwords from the example above are described in the following sections.

Agent Configuration

Configuration File: JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/agent.conf

Find an example for Agent configuration for download: agent.conf

Agent configuration file: agent.conf
# Allow http connections
js7.web.server.auth.public = true


  • The configuration file is located in the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR folder.
  • This configuration item is required to enable HTTP connections to a Controller.

Configuration File: JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/private.conf

Find an example for Agent configuration for download: private.conf

Agent configuration file: private.conf
js7 {    
    configuration {
        # Locations of certificates and public keys used for signature verification
        trusted-signature-keys {
    job {
        # Enable script execution from signed workflows
        execution {
            signed-script-injection-allowed = yes


  • The configuration file is located in the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private folder.
  • Note that the above configuration has to be deployed to all Agent instances.
  • The js7.configuration.trusted-signature-keys setting specifies directories that hold PGP public keys and X.509 certificates required by an Agent to verify the signatures of deployed objects such as workflows.
    • If you do not use PGP public keys then disable the PGP setting as otherwise warnings might occur if no PGP public keys are found from the directory specified.
    • Accordingly drop the use of X.509 certificates by disabling the X509 setting if no X.509 certificates are available in the directory specified.
  • The js7.job.execution setting specifies that job scripts which include shell code can be used. If this setting is assigned the false value or is omitted then jobs are limited to executing existing shell scripts from the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/executables folder. Some users of JS7 might consider it more secure to disallow shell commands in job scripts and instead to limit jobs to executing existing scripts located in this folder.

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